Saturday, February 25, 2012


Please support and check out Hope Sovran. The Greek Community has come together in support of a great girl, a sister to two girls in the Greek Community and a daughter to a family who just wants to see her wish come true. Read this article posted in the State News about Hope and her dream. She is an incredible person. Click on the link below-


Monday, February 20, 2012

A Greeks Perspective

Guest Blogger: Steve Hershfield
When the subject of Greek Week comes up in a conversation there are many different thoughts that go through our heads: Some of us have been affected by cancer at some point in our lives, many simply love having the opportunity to sing and dance, others enjoy getting a chance to bind with the Greek community and meet new people, and some claim to be “too busy” to participate. In my opinion, participating in Greek Week is more than just going through the motions, learning a routine, and watching other houses perform.  This week members celebrate the values of their chapters, meeting new Greeks, and to shine a positive light on Greeks as a whole by raising money for both national and local charities.
In my time at Michigan State, I have been fortunate enough to have participated in three years of Greek Week. It has given me the chance to get to know and make new friends with the ladies from three different sororities and the men from two other fraternities. Without Greek Week, there would not be many other opportunities where you are given the chance to meet, get to know, put trust in, and enjoy activities with other Greeks. While socials are a great way to let loose and party with a new group of Greeks, Greek Week brings people together to compete and have a good sober time. Let me give you an example-- Ladies, when you go to a social or philanthropy event, how often do you meet a gentlemen whom you believe you can trust them in to flip you and not drop you? And guys, how often do you get to enjoy the company of 20 ladies for a few weeks and get to know them better then “Hey, you want to take some shots”.
Other than just participating in Battle of the Bands, Songfest, and MTV Night, there are many other opportunities to meet other Greeks in common ground: All the games and activities at Relay for Life, at the different events while cheering for your team together, celebrating with your team after each competition, and many more. The friendships will not stop after this week. The relationships we make during Greek Week will last through your college years and into the future, trust me. So enjoy it while it lasts, and remember, however much you put into it, you will receive the same or more in return.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Recap on Relay 2012

Check out some great photos from Relay 2012! It was a great night that brought awareness to the many Greek students cancer has affected. If you are at all interested- check out our Relay for Life Donation page where so far we have raised $226,897, which is so close to our donation goal of $277,000!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

One Week Away From Relay

5 days, 19 hours, 1 min until Relay for Life on Saturday February 4th. Now the countdown begins to see what team can fund-raise the most money within the next week. It has always been one of those underlying challenges. One team may be in the lead all week, and at the last second a new team rises as the new leader. How does this occur? The efforts of many to be the team to beat are seen during these last few days as team wait until the last possible second to turn in money. This last minute strategy does some teams well as they then become the new team to beat. Who do you think will be this years winner?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cancer Never Sleeps, So Why Should You?

If you were there last night, you were there in support of a great cause. Kick Off was a moment to cherish as the Greek community came together to support Kristen our cancer survivor, as well as each other. Kristen was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer at the age of 22. Now, a recent graduate of MSU, she never thought she would ever see the day she would get her diploma. She was told by the doctors that she would have less than a year to live. That is when she decided to get married to her long-time boyfriend, a serving Marine, who at the time was about to be deployed. If you missed Kick Off, check out the special Say Yes to the Dress, where Kristen was chosen ( for the season finale) to go to Kleinfields and pick out her wedding dress! She is such an inspiration as she beat the odds and is now on the road to recovery. She gave a touching speech at Kick Off relating her experiences to those students who have suffered the lose of family members and friends, or have been there for those who have been affected by cancer. At the end of her speech, it was time like any other year to remember those loved ones who cancer has affected. Check out the video below to see a few snippets of the Luminaria ceremony. We all hope that her touching story can give the Greek Community the momentum we need to raise our goal donation to give those who have been affected by cancer a chance to beat the odds. 

"We will stay up all night relaying, we will not sleep, because cancer does not sleep"
Greek Week Leadership Team

Shout Out to all of last years teams who were the top 12 donators among the Greek Community for Relay. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Relay For Life Kick Off

Last year we had a great turn out for the Relay for Life Kick Off. It was inspirational, motivating and brought the Greek community together in support of a great cause. This year, Kick Off will be held on Tuesday, January 17th @ 7pm- IM West. Here are some pictures from last years kick off. See you all tomorrow!